112 Practice Materials

Mini Exam

A quiz sized version of a full length exam. Based on F24 course materials and assessments.

Duration: 30 minutes

Total Points: 50

Short Answer

Answer each question in 3 words or less

What is returned when a function has no return statement? (4 points)

What method adds an element to the end of a list? (3 points)

What is selection sort's time complexity? (4 points)

Code Tracing(10 points each)

For each code block, write what will be printed

def ct2(L):
    return [L.index(v)**2 for v in L if v%2 == 0]
print(ct2([4, 3, 2, 3, 4]))
class A:
    def __init__(self, x): self.x = x
    def f(self): return 10*self.x
class B(A):
    def f(self): return 1000*self.x

Free Response

Recursive List Processing (25 points)

Write a recursive function flattenSum(L) that takes a nested list of numbers and returns the sum of all numbers in the list. A nested list is a list that can contain both numbers and other lists, which themselves can contain numbers and lists, and so on.

For example:

assert(flattenSum([1, 2, 3]) == 6)
assert(flattenSum([1, [2, 3], 4]) == 10)
assert(flattenSum([]) == 0)


- You must use recursion to solve this problem

- The list can be nested to any depth

- Empty lists sum to 0

- You may assume the list only contains numbers and other lists
